Welcome to DSpace, Koha, VuFind & Drupal LibLiveDVD


Welcome to DSpace, Koha, VuFind & Drupal LibLiveDVD

Dr. Sunita Barve
CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India
ARD Prasad
DRTC, Indian Statistical Institute, Bengaluru, India


This release of LibLiveDVD is configured using Lubuntu 16.04.2 (LTS)-64bit, DSpace 6.0, Koha 16.11.06, Vufind v3.1.2 and Drupal 7.54.


DSpace Mirage2 Interface (http://localhost/xmlui)
DSpace Admin login: library@localhost
Password: library
For Further Information

Koha admin (http://localhost/kohaadmin)
Koha OPAC (http://localhost/opac)
Koha admin login: koha_library
Koha admin password: library
For Further Information

To access VuFind click http://localhost/vufind

For Further Information

Drupal 7
Run Drupal
Drupal Database Name: drupal7
Drupal User Name: drupal
Drupal Database Password : library

Web Mail Client
You may try: Login: dspace
password: library


Multi-Lingual Input
To configure MultiLingual Input

Logins and Passwords for shell and databases
password for dspace: library
password for koha database in mysql : library
Login for mysql admin user: root ; Password: library
Login for drupal database in mysql user:drupal, database:drupal7, password:library

For Further Configuration


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